Monday, March 9, 2009

It Is Really Adam's Day...


My blog was hit by a huge traffic today...thanks to Rocky's Bru who linked my son Adam's This Is My World in his blog..and I was affected by the traffic accidently..hehe...

Adam wrote the entry entitled "a good thing", which in it he described that learning Maths and Science in English is not easy, but it encourages him to do more simpler words, he doesn't find it as a trouble...

Since being linked by Rocky's Bru, until now the entry had been commented by various visitor, and all of them, besides commenting, also pray for his success...

As a father, I thank all of the visitors and the prayers...As he will be having his exam tomorrow, he needs all the prayers as well as his efforts...

The best part is, all this happened today, 12 Rabi'ul Awal, Maulidur Rasul (The Day Prophet Mohammad PBUH was born)...and Adam share today as his birthday in the Hijri Calendar...

26 June 1999 = 12 Rabiul Awal 1420

Yes, he was born on 26 June 1999 (oh, by the way he is now technically ten, but maybe he did forget to update that section in his blog..) which was 12 Rabiul Awal 1420...and that's why we named him Adam El-Muhammady...

One thing about Adam is he never fear of saying out his voice..his opinion...

What he wrote in the entry was totally based on what he heard my wife and I was talking about the other day, and there he was, spitting out what he think he is right about...

Just sharing with you guys some of his 'no-shy-moments'...

First speech while he was in Kindergarten..In Bahasa Melayu...

Singing alongside the pianist at The Curve while we were there around Christmas last year...he sang three songs.

Well...I'm not asking more than an anak soleh and a good son...and hopefully he (and my 2 other boys) will fulfill it...InsyaAllah...

So it is really his day right...tell you something, he smiled when we were telling him this, and he said.."That's should be cream perhaps..?"...haha..apa nak dikata...


Jalaks said...

Memen sangat bangga..huhu..

melayuangkat said...

Assalamualaikum Saudara Azhar,

Congratulations to ALL of you.

I am so proud of Adam, most I am proud of you and the whole family!!

Happy Birthday Adam!! Salam MaulidurRasul to all of you too.

nadya.s said...

congrats ajan n kak suria. adam mmg seswai jadi budak contoh.

jumpa next week na!