Monday, December 29, 2008

Binatang Punya Manusia!!

Aku pertama kali terbaca kes ni kat Blog Mazidul Selasa minggu lepas, tapi bila aku cari-cari kat paper tak jumpa...

Baru kejap ni aku bukak Harian Metro Online, terjumpa ni haa...

Dua beranak nafsu haiwan

BUTTERWORTH: Bernafsu haiwan adalah perkataan paling sesuai untuk dua beranak, termasuk remaja lelaki berusia 16 tahun yang ditahan polis selepas disyaki menodai seorang bayi perempuan baru berusia 20 bulan.

Kejadian itu hanya disedari ibu bayi berkenaan apabila pulang ke rumahnya di sini kira-kira jam 11 malam Jumaat lalu apabila melihat bayinya menangis begitu lama.

Sebelum itu, sumber berkata, wanita berusia 32 tahun yang bekerja sebagai juruwang itu meminta ibunya mengambil bayinya yang ditinggalkan di rumah pengasuh kira-kira 50 meter dari rumahnya.

Katanya, wanita itu kemudian mendapati bayinya menangis dengan kuat apabila dibawa pulang ke rumah, tetapi dimaklumkan ibunya dia mungkin demam.

“Wanita itu yang tidak berpuas hati kemudian memeriksa dan mendapati ada kesan darah dan luka pada bahagian sulit bayi perempuannya.

“Dia kemudian terus membawa bayinya yang menangis dengan kuat tidak berhenti-henti ke Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ), di sini.

“Hasil pemeriksaan doktor mengesahkan terdapat kesan koyak pada kemaluan mangsa. Bagaimanapun, keadaannya kini dilaporkan stabil dan masih menerima rawa tan di HSJ,” katanya.

Berikutan itu, ibu mangsa membuat laporan polis.

Izinkan aku memaki sekali ya..."BABI SIAL punya makhluk...binatang pun malu kalau disamakan dengan korang dua ekor tau..!!!"

Maaf ya...

Kalau macam ni punya makhluk...sebelum hukuman mati tu bagi dia siksa sikit..kelar-kelar badan ke...kerat anunya...biar merana dulu baru mati...sesungguhnya aku amat geram dari minggu lepas bila baca hal tu...

Sekali lagi ya...SIAL!!

Apa nak dikata...(anda boleh terus memaki tanpa izin ya...)

The Gift...

Terima kasih pada yang ucapkan Happy Birthday dan yang berdoa untuk kesejahteraan dan murah rezeki serta lain-lain...samada ucap depan2 atau melalui sms, YM, Skype, emails, phone calls dan komen kat blog...terima kasih semuanya...

Pagi-pagi hari isteri dan anak-anak bagi hadiah yang selama hari ni diorang simpan...

1. Kad ucapan yang ditandatangani oleh Wife dan Adam...sangat cantik...

2. Kad (from an A4 paper) made and handwritten by lovely isi kandungannya...

3. Lukisan oleh Rayyan...nice work son...

4. The Appeal by John!!

Thanks to my beloved family for the gift...I really appreciate them...thanks...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Salam Ma'al Hijrah...

Esok Isnin 29 Disember 2008 ialah bersamaan 1 Muharram 1430 Hijrah...

Kepada Muslimin dan Muslimat, aku ucapkan selamat menyambut tahun baru Hijrah...semoga tahun 1430 ini akan menambahkan lagi keazaman dan ketaqwaan kita di dalam meniti perjalanan hari-hari mendatang...


Esok Isnin 29 Disember 2008...aku berusia 36 tahun...hehehe...

Rugi jugak sebab baru sempat berusia 36 selama 2 hari, Khamis nanti orang akan kata aku dah 37 la kalau kira tahun kan...hehe...

Dah makin tua la...apa nak dikata...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Iqra'...So Please Read...

Kalau korang perasan entri aku yang sebelum ni amatlah panjang...sebenarnya itu satu artikel dari seorang sahabat yang aku rasakan penuh ilmu yang amat perlu kita umat Islam hari ni tahu...terima kasih kepada yang membaca artikel tersebut...

Beberapa kawan meng'YM' aku (such word ka?)...dan meng'Skype' aku jugak bagitau kata artikel tu panjang...depa bookmark dulu then akan baca kemudian...ok jugak la macam tu...

Tapi ada sorang dua ni, dia contact aku dan tanya apa benda yang panjang sangat tu...tolong simpulkan untuk dia boleh tak...aku jawab pun main-main la...aku kata tak dak apa pun...semua dalam artikel yang panjang tu banyak bunga bahasa ja, yang isi penting nya sikit ja...dia tanya apa isi penting tu...aku jawab...isi pentingnya ialah pentingnya membaca pada setiap masyarakat...hehe..terus dia diam...

Betul...antara beberapa kelemahan kita ialah kita agak kurang membaca...bukan semua...ada yang rajin baca, ada yang suka baca, ada yang baca bila terpaksa...macam-macam...

Ada beberapa sebab jadi macam ni antaranya yang paling aku nampak ketara ialah sumbangan masyarakat tu sendiri untuk memupuk semangat membaca...

Kalau kita perhatikan tempat-tempat yang sering kita jumpa orang pegang buku dan baca kot jalan ialah bandar-bandar besar...amat jarang nak jumpa orang tunggu bas pegang buku (dan baca ya, bukan pegang saja sambil buat lapik duduk ke..hehe..)di Kangar la..nak tunggu bas pun payah ka..

Sebab apa?

Sebab suasana....suasana membaca tak diwujudkan...malahan agak sukar nak diwujudkan...kadang-kadang kalau ada yang nak membaca sambil tunggu bas ekspress nak jalan tu, dah hingar bingar sekeliling dia...tak masuk lagi kawan-kawan yang gelakkan dia bila tengok dia pegang buku dan baca...

Tapi kalau di bandar besar, aku ambik contoh KL la...memang la sesak, bising...tapi pernah tak naik LRT...atau tunggu LRT...?Walaupun suasana ramai orang, tapi tak sulit untuk kita nak membaca pasal ada feel nya...

Macam tu jugak kedai buku...cuba korang pergi ke Popular kat Star Parade Alor Star....ada tak suasana orang baca buku sambil nak beli dalam tu?Tak tau la kalau aku yang slow, tapi aku tak dapat rasa suasana tu wujud...

Bandingkan pulak kalau pergi ke MPH Midvalley...atau Borders kat The Curve...aku, wife dan anak-anak boleh spend berjam-jam dalam tu....belinya hanya sorang satu atau dua buku, tapi duduk baca dalam tu yang lebihnya...sampai nak balik jenuh cari la the two boys melepak dak sudut bacaan tingkat atas Borders tu atau kat tengah MPH tu...

Itu yang aku nak katakan...dan seperti ayat yang biasa kita dengar jugak la...yang selalunya membaca dan suka galakkan membaca ni bukanlah 'orang kita'...kan...sedangkan sepatutnya kitalah yang lebih mengutamakan pembacaan ni...ayat Al-Quran yang pertama turun ialah...."Iqra'..."...bermaksud "Bacalah!!.."...satu arahan dari Allah direct kepada kita...

So sepatutnya kita banyak membaca...jangan jadikan alasan panjang...tak faham...dan lain-lain lagi alasan biasa kita...tapi jadikan pembacaan ni satu benda yang fun dan seronok....

Aku paling suka baca novel John Grisham dan Michael Crichton...almost semua novel diorang ada pada koleksi aku...Amat menyedihkan dunia kehilangan seorang tokoh penulis seperti Crichton...buku terakhir tulisan beliau, Next adalah karya terakhir dia yang aku simpan...

Antara orang yang aku tau suka baca buku ialah my beloved wife...Kak Long Sakinah, my niece...Dato' Seri Shahidan Kassim......dan beberapa orang lain...

Hari tu nak beli The Appeal by Grisham...tapi dah dapat hint bahawa ianya akan jadi my birthday present this coming kena la tunggu beberapa hari lagi baru dapat baca..hehe...Yang terbaru dari Grisham, The Associate pun akan keluar Januari 2009...sabar..perabih dulu The Appeal, lepas tu kita cari yang baru plak ok...apa nak dikata...

Monday, December 22, 2008


Sekali lagi aku nak kongsi tulisan saudara Afterdark yang merupakan kesinambungan dari tulisan beliau yang aku publish semula kat sini hari tu...

Entri ni panjang...tapi ilmu dan info yang beliau sampaikan amat menarik dan perlu di dalami oleh setiap umat Islam...

Ambil masa anda untuk baca...kalau nak baca tulisan beliau yang asal, boleh berkunjung ke laman web Afterdark...

Buat Afterdark, terima kasih kerana terus berkongsi ilmu Illuminati ini dengan kami semua...keep it up...


Several readers already emailed me requesting for further elaboration on the prophecy of the True Cross. Actually the subject had been discussed briefly in respond to Novus Ordos Seclorum & The All Seeing Eyes articles, but for your further convenience and upon suggestions from other Illuminati watchers from the middle east, I shall now elaborate a bit more about this prophecy which is now in the brink of full completion.

The purpose of revealing this information to you is not entirely to freak you out (at least not intentionally). After reading this article you will realize that our prospect of growing old is better than our Muslims brothers and sisters in Syria. Some might take that as good news, others might take it differently.

(Caution: The content of this article is partly based on Christian’s Mythology)

The “True Cross” here refers to the Wooden Cross believed to be used to crucify Jesus Christ before he was speared by a Roman Soldier named Longinus and bleed to death. Under Christian mythology, the three items involved during crucifixion became a holy relics namely the Wooden Cross named afterwards as “The True Cross”, the Spear used which was named “The Spear Of Destiny” (Gospel of John 19:31–37) and the Cup used to ferment the dropping blood which is famously known as “The Holy Grail”. It was then believe that these three holy relics can give ultimate power to those who possessed it especially if combined together.

Now, there are two different viewpoints taken by the Muslims and Christians within the watcher groups which are understandably based on their respective religion. On the Christian’s side, they believe that the person crucified on the cross was Jesus Christ thus all the relics once smeared by his blood are HOLY and the relics powers are divine in origin. With no intention whatsoever to offence any of my Christian readers and friends out there, we the Muslims within the group firmly believe the Quran’s version (An-Nisa 157) that the person crucified was not Isa Al-Masih. Whomever person crucified (Yudas Eskariot?) on that Cross was a person renegade of God because it is our belief that God will never allow an innocent to be crucified in such degraded way. Therefore the relics itself even if posessing such powers, we fear the power are actually evil in origin because the blood which had dripped on its was the unholy blood of Yudas the heretic.


The crucifixion of Jesus took place at Calvary, which was also called Golgotha, outside of ancient Jerusalem’s early 1st century walls. These relics then were kept by his followers in the Jerusalem until it was moved in aftermath of the Crusade War. Regardless of what you might be told about Crusade War, the reason behind the war is actually because of the scramble to seize these relics. This relic has caused the Crusade War in the 11th Century.

According to the text book, The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the dual goals of reconquering the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and freeing the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule. On the other hand, what the text book is not telling you is that the real intention behind the First Crusade is not to free the Christians Community but rather to seize and rescue the relics from the Muslims Government. Both knights and peasants from many nations of Western Europe traveled over land and by sea towards Jerusalem and captured the city in July 1099, establishing the Kingdom of Jerusalem and other Crusader states. Over the course of the war, the crusaders murdered almost every inhabitant of Jerusalem. Muslims, Jews, and even eastern Christians were all massacred. These people were murdered in the pretext of siding with the enemies whereas the truth is they were murdered in an attempt to conceal the possession of the relics by the highest order within the crusade.. In the aftermath of the first Crusade, The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici), commonly known as the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OR THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE (French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers) were founded with its alleged purpose to ensure the safety of the many Christians who made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem after its conquest. This allegation is of course fake because the Knights Templar were established to safeguard the relics within the wall of the Jerusalem. Legend has it that upon having the relics in their hand, the crusaders discovered the amazing power of he relics capable of empowering its handlers to be undefeated at war. Christian legend has it that the Knight Templars had used the Spear in their most famous victories in 1177 during the Battle of Montgisard, where some 500 Templar knights helped the Crusaders to defeat Salahuddin Al-Ayubi’s army of more than 26,000 soldiers.

The spear of destiny was afterwards believed to change hands to the Romans. Queen Helena Augusta of Constantinople (c.250–c.330 AD) was told about the power the relics has and journeyed to Jerusalem to get her hands on it. Upon arriving in Jerusalem she built a Church (some say she actually built the first headquater fo the Knight of Templar) which the Knights Templar was willing to lend to her the Spears of Destiny. The relic was never returned to the Templars. Instead Queen Helena gave the Spear to her son Constantine the Great whom later becomes the first Christian Roman Emperor who ruled an empire consisted of Britain, Gaul, and Spain. It is therefore believed that the Roman Empire itself was built from the power within the relic.

The spear of destiny itself is responsible for the World War II. It is already well known amongst Illuminati enthusiast that Austria was annexed by the Nazi in 1938 solely for the purpose of seizing the Spear from Sigismund’s (Holy Roman Emperor for four years from 1433 until 1437) Collection of Reichskleinodien or Imperial Regalia which was at time kept in the Schatzkammer (Imperial treasury) in Vienna.

When Austria was annexed to Germany, Adolf Hitler took the Spear and hence the bloodshed which follows through out the Germany’s Military Campaign. This itself was the reason why the United States jump into the war. Later after the war it was seized by American General George S. Patton whom allegedly returned it to Austria to be stored in the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The returned spear was a fake. General Patton was an Illuminist under instruction to hand over the Spear to the Illuminati. The Spear has been in possession by the Illuminati ever since pending the coming of Anti Christ and the Novus Ordos Seclorum.

Regardless of how divine the Christians might think about the Spear of Destiny, I agreed with the notion that this relic is purely evil and therefore should not be considered as divine in origin. The trail of blood throughout the century including great wars and bloodshed can be related to this relic. It is undisputable however that a few great empires were established after coming into possession of the relic. The rise of the Roman Empire, the German Empire and the United States Empire today are all attributed to the possession of this relic and all of them had the trail of death and misery behind them.


According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, said to possess miraculous powers. Because the grail is small and easily concealed, the Knight Templars were able to hide it in Jerusalem and prevented it from being seized by Salahuddin Al-Ayubi. The continuance of the Knights Templar (which later on becoming an apostle in the name of the Freemasons and the Illuminati Secret Society) is also attributed to the continuance possession of the grail by the Templars descendants.

Within the Illuminati watchers, it was suggested however that the Grail was once possessed by Renaud de Châtillon, a Knight within the Templar who who served in the Second Crusade and remained in Jerusalem after its defeat. This is based on story that a monastery of San Juan de la Peña, located at the south-west of Jaca, in the province of Huesca, Spain, was once being tasked to protect the grail. It was said that the artifact is a 1st century Middle Eastern stone vessel, possibly from Antioch, Syria (now Turkey). The story here raised a suggestion that the vessel was sent by Renaud de Chatillon to smuggle the Grail from Antioch,Syria to Huesca, Spain.

After surviving the siege by Salahuddin Al Ayubi, the grail was smuggled and moved secretly by the remaining descendants of the Templars. Finally when the Illuminist decided to based themselves in United States, turn of the century accounts state that Irish partisans of the Clan Dhuir (O'Dwyer, Dwyer) transported the Grail to the United States during the 19th Century and the Grail was kept by their descendents in secrecy in a small abbey in the upper-Northwest (now believed to be Southern Minnesota).

The location of the grail now remains a secret keep tight by the Highest Illuminati Order. However it is believe that the Holy Grail and the Spear Of Destiny has found each other in the United States now, awaiting for its reunion with the relic of the True Cross which will mark the beginning of New World Order under the coming Anti-Christ.


Renaud de Châtillon is a significant figure behind the final Crusade between the Christian and the army of Salahuddin Al Ayubi. He was a member of Knights Templar who served in the Second Crusade and remained in Jerusalem after its defeat. He then moved to Antioch, Syria which was then a Crusader State and assumed a title of Lord of Kerak and Montréal. He is a true hater of Islam and despised every Muslims within sight. He became notorious for his wanton cruelty at Kerak, often having his enemies and hostages (especially Muslims) flung from its castle walls to be dashed to pieces on the rocks below. These murders actually was not carried out of pure joy only, Renaud de Châtillon was actually a Luciferian pretending to be Christian from the out-set. The murders he committed were in truth performed as human sacrifice to Lucifer.

in 1160, Raynald carried out a plundering raid against the Syrian and Armenian Muslim peasants of the neighborhood of Marash. During the raid however he was captured by Muslims and was confined at Aleppo, Syria for seventeen years. However, as the stepfather of the Empress Maria the daughter of Constance of Antioch, he was ransomed for the extraordinary sum of 120,000 gold dinars.

Ungrateful however, In November 1177, at the head of the army of the kingdom, he and the Knights Templar defeated Salahuddin Al-Ayubi at the Battle of Montgisard, Jerusalem by which the Muslims narrowly escaped. Christian legend has it that the Knight Templars had had summoned the powers of all three relics kept within Jerusalem to raised the crusader’s fighting spirit to win the battle.

Salahuddin Al Ayubi spent the subsequent year recovering from his defeat and rebuilding his army, renewing his attacks in 1179 to proof that God’s will cannot be defeated by mere relics. He defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Jacob's Ford, Jerusalem after which a truce was declared between Saladin and the Crusader States in 1180. As part of the agreement and to honor Christian belief, Salahuddin decided not to seize the relics.

In 1181 however, still being ungrateful, the temptation of the Muslims caravans which passed by Kerak proved too strong to Renaud, therefore despite of a truce between Salahuddin and the king, Renaud began to plunder again. He also personally responsible for attacking Muslim caravans, who when in vain besought his mercy reciting the truce between the Muslims and Crusaders, he insulted their prophet Muhammad before murdering and torturing a number of them. Upon hearing this, Saladin swore an oath to personally execute Raynaud. Saladin also demanded reparations from the King but the King replied that he was unable to control the unruly Renaud. As a result, war broke out between Salahuddin and three Christian Kingdoms in 1182 after Salahuddin can took it no more upon Ranaud threatened to attack the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. In July 1187 Salahudin captured most of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. On July 4, 1187, he faced at the Battle of Hattin the combined forces of three Christian Kingdoms. In this battle alone the Crusader and the Templars army was largely annihilated by the Muslims in what was a major disaster for the Crusaders and a turning point in the history of the Crusades. Salahudin captured Raynald de Chatillon and then executed him. That night also, Salahudin ordered the execution of the hundreds of Templar Knights.

One of the items seized after the Battle of Hattin was the relic of True Cross. The relic was brought to Damascus, Syria and the Cross was marched up-side down by the ruler of Damascus throughout the city's street. The relic of true Cross is believed to remain hidden in Syria until today. Take a very important note now that the Relic of True Cross was lost from the Templar’s possession in the 12th century.



On April this year, Illuminati watchers around the world were struck dumbfounded with the news that a key from the 12th century were auctioned off by Sotheby for 9.2 million pound sterling (RM60 juta). Allegedly this key is a Kaabah Key which was stolen despite the fact that no one seems able to verify whether there has been a case of stolen Kaabah key before. Believe what you want but the speculation is rife that the key is the next clue to the location of the hidden Relic of True Cross in Syria. Some of us even dubbed it “the key once belong to Salahuddin Al Ayubi”.

The Illuminati and anti-Illuminati believe that History will repeat itself again and the Great War of Crusade will be wage again for the fourth and final time at Syria. The Illuminati whom are descendants of the Knight Templars will wage a vengeance against Muslims. The Illuminati with their sense of humor when it come to numbers (pun intended) will wage this war in 21st century in reminiscent of the same thing happened on the 12th century (notice anything peculiar with the numbers here?).

In April 2003, while the U.S. was in the midst of the Persian Gulf War, an American writer wrote a book that ultimately became a New York Times best seller “Beyond Iraq: The Next Move”. In the book, Michael D. Evans alleged that weapons of mass destruction were in Syria. He further accused Saddam Hussien of moving the WMDs and the funds to Syria to disseminate them out of Iraq. In near future, such accusation will become part of the official reason to wage a war against Syria. The main reason however is another turn of event which will be as a pretext to wage the war. The preparation to the war has already taken place when Admiral Millen made a rare guided tour of Syria’s border on 28th June which some speculated as preparation of attack in near future.

Within the anti-illuminati circles, it is widely believed that the whole purpose of the attack is to seize the Relic of True Cross. Legend has it that Lucifer and Moloch themselves had ordered the Higher Order Of The Illuminati to reunite all three relics which they believe shall then restore the invincibility of the army during the next great war against the Muslims.

For those already familiar with countless prophecies foretelling the Great War, it has already been discovered that Syria is the place to be avoided at all costs (unless if you seek to be a martyr). Syria as the place where the blood will spill is already undisputed within the Jewish, Christians and Muslims anti-Illuminati watchers.

In the Jewish Bible the antichrist is referred as two little horns. In Daniel 7:8 the said anti-Christ was said to spring up within the 4th Kingdom of the Roman Empire. In Daniel 8 the Anti-Christ was said to come out of one of the four surviving components of the Greek Empire following Alexander’s death. This is commonly thought to be the once Selucid Kingdom in today’s Syria.

Hadhrat Umme Salmah (R.A.) once narrates that Rasulullah SAW once said that there will come a time when a citizen of Madina will flee from Madinah and go to Makkah to approach Imam Mahadi between Hajrul Aswad and Makam Ibrahim, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him. Upon hearing this the enemies of Islam will proceed from Syria in a huge army to attack Mahadi but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed by an earthquake into the ground.

In another prophecy based on Hadith, a great period of sorrow will befall on Muslims who would be under severe persecution and oppression from the tyrannical leader of that time who will rule Syria. This tyrant from the heart of Damascus, Syria known as Sufyaani (from the family of Abu Sufyaan) will begin a horrendous campaign of bloodshed and killing, during which no tribe or community will be left alone. Even women and children will be mercilessly butchered. It should be emphasized here that the place of origin of this bloodshed is Damascus, Syria where the relic of True Cross was last seen before it went missing in the 12th Century. According to some anti-Illuminati watchers, this fits the profile of the bloodshed which had trailed the Spear of Destiny since time immemorial. It is therefore widely believe that all the relics will be reunited in Syria to unleash the next Great War.

Regarding the relic of True Cross, most of my Muslim readers probably have heard the following Hadith as recounted by Abu Hurairah:- “"Demi Allah, sungguh putra Maryam benar-benar akan turun sebagai hakim, lalu mematahkan salib, membunuh babi, menghapus jizyah, dan harta melimpah ruah hingga tidak ada seorang pun yang mau menerimanya."

There were many discussions in an attempt to understand what the prophet really means with “mematahkan salib”. I am not going to comment on others who had already made their interpretation because everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’m simply offering alternative interpretation here that if the hadith is interpret literally, it is possible that the “salib” in this hadith refers to the Relic of True Cross which had been used by Lucifer&Co to misled the Christians for centuries. One can imagine how pissed-off the son of Maryam will be upon seeing the relic which had been partly responsible for thousands years of heresy. I don’t think anyone could blame him for breaking and destroying the Cross the first time he get his hand on it.

Another hadith which in it mentioned a Salib is as follows. However whether the reference to a Salib here actually refers to the relic of True Cross continuously remains as open possibility:-

"kamu akan mengadakan perdamaian dengan bangsa Rum (Kristian) dalam keadaan aman, lalu kamu akan berperang bersama mereka melawan suatu musuh dari belakang mereka. Maka kamu akan selamat dan mendapat harta rampasan perang yg byk, kemudian kamu akan sampai ke sebuah padang rumput yg luas dan berbukit-bukit, maka berdirilah seorang lelaki Rum. Lalu dia akan mengangkat tanda salib (tentera kristian) dan melaungkan salib telah menang maka datanglah kepadanya seorang lelaki muslimin dan membunuh lelaki Rum tersebut , kemudian tentera Rum mengkhianati perdamaian dan terjadilah peperangan demi peperangan, dimana mereka akan bersatu menghadapi kamu di bawah 80 bendera , dibawah setiap bendera terdapat 12 ribu tentera"- Hadith sahih riwayat Imam Ahmad,Imam Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah dr Zu Makhmar RA.

The hadith here tells us that the Muslims and the Christians will form an alliance to fight a common enemy. Within the world of the watchers, it is no doubt that the common enemy here refers to army of heretics formed by Luciferian/Illuminati. The alliance between the Muslims and the Christians actually already exists today albeit a very fragile one. In the underground world, the war against Illuminati is now fought by operatives from both sides the Muslims and the Catholics in their attempt to cancel or delay the doomsday mission carried out by the Illuminati. It is therefore uneasy to imagine that one if this day our descendants might have to take part in a Great War against each other.

It is prophesied that the war waged by the Muslims/Christians alliance against the Illuminati will be motivated by each others religion. The Muslims is waging a war against in retaliation of centuries of oppression. The Christians on the other hand wage their war against those they finally perceived as heretics who in possession of the holy relics. When the war is almost won, the Christians will search and find the Relic of True Cross. Therefore upon winning the war, a soldier will raise the Relic and proclaimed victory because of the divine intervention from the Relic itself. This will angry the Muslims who had fought more bitterly in the war. The rest of the story is as already foretold in the hadith.


The purpose of article is not to influence your own interpretation of the hadith mentioned herein. A few Muslims scholars with better credentials had already interpreted the hadith too. The purpose of this article is merely to inform you that other people too have their own interpretation of the prophecy and it might be worth it to learn how the anti-illuminati watchers interpret the prophecy.

The purpose of studying the prophecy and the history behind it is to estimate how much time we have left before the Illuminati executed their next deadly blueprint. The Illuminist and Anti-Illuminist are all using prophecy as a time counter. Whenever a prophecy became true or self fulfilled, the Illuminati will works harder to speed up the unleash of the Great War while the anti-illuminati on the other hand will do what they can to delay it. However based on what is happening around the world today, it seems the Illuminati is scoring big each and every time.

How these prophecies will relate to our own country remains conjecture at the time being. But all Illuminati projects will eventually by synchronized around the globe to serve the ultimate goal. Knowing the Illuminati and their obsession with certain numbers such as 11, 13 and 33, the upcoming year 2013 will have significant risks of becoming the major event for the Illuminati.

Not many of us realize how significant 2013 will be. Our country will held it’s 13th General Election in 2013 by which the RAHMAN prophecy no longer hinted who will be our next Prime Minister. The appointment of Najib as the 6th Prime Minister will marked the end to the prophecy. So why is it no more letters after “N” in the prophecy? What will happen after “N”? Some predicted that the government will cease to exist in 2013 following the Great War. Others believe that the letter N indicate the last Muslim Prime Minister for this country.

In US, one of the briefing attended by Vice President-elect Joe Biden after Obama was elected as President was a brief by “Bipartisan Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism” led by Illuminist former Sen. Bob Graham of Florida and Jim Talent of Missouri predicting that The United States will be attack by Al-Qaeda with nuclear or more likely biological weapons before 2013. This itself is clear indication that the Illuminati is in preparation to unleash the final the Great Was against the Muslims.

Another hint from the Illuminati is through senior Illuminist John McCain when he publicly used “2013” as a core of his previous presidential campaign. In the infamous presidential advertisement titled “2013”, the senior illuminist made a statement that the Iraq war can be won by 2013 and a significant achievement in National Security will be achieved. Hmm.. I guess this probably means that they will be done with Iraq in 2013 and thus prepare to strike the next Middle Eastern countries such as Syria or Iran or both simultaneously.

To avoid the risk of boring visitors to my website I will indulge no further of the information the Anti-illuminati had gathered on what will happen in 2013. Enough to say that each and every one of us has brain to do research whether of not there’s merits to the abovementioned prophecies. The information is available, abundant and naked before our own eyes.

Unfortunately the majority of us usually prefer to read about the latest happening in the world of entertainment or other internet trash rather than enriching ourselves with information which potentially can save our life.

I say It’s better to be paranoid than being too late.

Notes: Some believes that the Relic remains undiscovered is the Relic of True Cross. This is the opinion of many of my correspondents over the years. I wrote the article above based on their information which was emailed to me over the years. I on the other hand have different personal opinion. I am of opinion that the missing relic is not the True Cross. After readings that best seller Illuminati Code Book "H.... P..... and the Deathly Hallows", I believe the author was under instruction to spread the hidden code that the Illuminati are searching for the Spear Of Destiny instead (which was codenamed "the elder wand" in that book).

I would like to add that my correspondents within the world of anti-Illuminati consist of Muslims and from other religion including those claiming to write in the internet for the Catholic Church. So I hope many of my Christian readers will not be offended by this article. I am not trying to incite hatred against Christians here. Neither Muslims nor Christians desire to see the prophecy materialized in their own lifetime. So I say we must do our best to cancel or delay the prophecy. By attempting to cancel of delaying the prophecy does not means that we are working against God's will or our prophet's message. The prophecy itself never stated specifically when the war will happens therefore I see no wrong in acting in concert against the wishes of Illuminati and their master Lucifer. As good servant of God it is our duty always to hope and do the best for humanity and our children. Even in Islam the true principle of Qada & Qadar teaches us not simply to lay back and watch sin and disaster happening without trying our best to stop it first.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nikah Punya Hal...

Sekarang ni zaman kahwin...ya la cuti bulan 12 ni kan...

Dan sekarang pulak zaman kahwin buat besar-besaran...terutamanya artis...lepas tu kang nanti bercerai pun besar-besaran la jugak...

Tapi tak payah la jadi macam kes-kes ni...:

1. Masjid jadi pentas...

Rasanya lebih separuh Malaysia tengok semalam akad nikah artis terkenal Mawi tu...aku masa tu tengah layan kartun dengan anak-anak, tetiba masa iklan tukar-tukar channel dapat la tonton akad nikah tu...sedih sebab sekali lagi masjid dijadikan pentas perkahwinan, tak kira bangsa dan agama semua masuk dalam masjid...tu belum kira perempuan yang tah je tengah period masuk gak tu....

Difahamkan jugak siap ada rehearsal sehari sebelum maknanya betul lah masjid tu dah jadi pentas atau studio ya...

Wife aku tanya semalam, kenapa orang nak akad nikah kat masjid?Hehe...jawapan aku senang je...sebab masa tu la nak tunjuk kata semua dekat dengan masjid...walhal takde dalam seerah dan sunnah pun akad nikah kat masjid...apa nak dikata...

2. Sanding ramai-ramai kat Kedah...

Bukan tujuan aku nak kata kat Kerajaan PAS Kedah...sebab sanding-sanding ni dah jadi amalan hampir seluruh Malaysia..tak leh nak salahkan siapa lagi dah...

Cuma cuba korang tengok gambar tu...yang mamat pakai jubah dan isterinya yang pakai purdah tu join buat apa????Sanding ni pun bukan amalan yang sepakat ulamak Islam bersetuju, tapi pakaian korang tu melambangkan pasangan yang benar-benar faham Islam...kenapa tak kahwin secara Islam betul-betul??Kenapa bersanding..dan kenapa bersanding beramai-beramai pulak tu?

Betul la Sabda Rasulullah bermaksud...

"Iman itu bukanlah dengan pengharapan semata-mata, dan bukan juga dengan hiasan luaran (pakaian) tetapi Iman ialah apa yang terlintas di hati dan ditunjukkan dengan perbuatan"

Sebab itu orang Islam kena hati-hati bila buat sesuatu...sebab whatever kita buat, we'll be judge as a Muslim...pakaian kita Muslim, tapi amalan tidak, maka yang malunya ialah Islam tu sendiri...apa nak dikata...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Working The Work...

Tak pernah cerita pasal kerja kat sini nak try cerita pasal kerja la sikit...

Kerjaya aku sekarang tak macam sebelum ni...kerja aku sekarang banyak masa lapang...banyak rileks..kerja mudah la sikit berbanding dulu...

Tapi adakah aku suka? Terus terang aku cakap aku kurang minat sikit...walaupun banyak masa lapang dan rileks, tapi aku rindukan suasana kerja dulu masa aku dengan Mantan Menteri Besar tu...zaman di mana aku bekerja hari ini tanpa mengetahui apa yang bakal menanti aku di pejabat esok hari...setiap hari ada saja yang baru menanti aku, dan cabaran dealing dengan manusia-manusia yang datang berkunjung ke Pejabat MB masa tu pun boleh tahan jugak la...tu belum lagi cabaran kerenah MB tu sendiri..hehe...

Tapi sekarang kat tempat kerja aku yang baru ni (takde la baru sangat, since October 2007) aku kadang2 nganga je...semua benda pun orang yang buatkan...aku dah tak taip surat...aku dah tak fotostat sendiri apa-apa dokumen...semua orang buatkan...aku tau sign je..tu pun lepas bacakan laa..

So far aku ok la kerja ni, cuma aku dapat rasakan kadar produktiviti aku makin menurun...maybe sebab environment kerja yang agak slow...tak mencabar...stereotype...kalau dulu aku on the move KL pun seminggu dua atau tiga kali...tapi sekarang aku bergerak hanya bila perlu saja...kadang2 sehari suntuk masa aku kat dalam bilik aku kat opis je..takde keluar-keluar...

Nak menambahkan lagi beban kepala hotak aku kat tempat kerja baru ni ialah aku baru dapat berita ada satu mamat ni, dia dulu sama la jawatan dengan aku kat Pejabat MB, cuma dia bukan la favourable sangat...hehe...bukan nak bangga, tapi bilik aku dulu berdepan dengan bilik MB, sedangkan dia kat bangunan lain 5 km jaraknya..hehe...

Beritanya ialah dia akan ditempatkan bertugas di Pejabat aku sekarang!!!Aku sendiri belum terima arahan dari SUK, tapi dia la yang call aku bagitau...pening la...

Aku dah cukup gembira dengan staff aku sekarang, diorang cool dan senang bawak berunding, tapi mamat ni payah sikit...aku dari dulu memang takleh sebulu dengan dia...

Tapi takpa...aku akan jadi boss dia!!!Yeah..!!!Kalau dulu aku tak leh la nak kondem dia lebih-lebih pasal sama level..tapi sekarang aku boss...dia staff aku...hehe...

Oh ya...aku sedang usahakan sesuatu yang agak besar dalam kehidupan kami dengan isteri tercinta...tak leh bagitau lagi la apa perancangan kami...kadang-kadang berasa bosan jugak makan gaji ni...walaupun bergelar boss tapi ada lagi boss yang lagi teringin jugak nak jadi boss paling besar..hehe...

Nanti kalau jadi boleh kita cerita lebih lanjut ok..buat masa ni jadi lah dulu boss yang ada boss...hehe...apa nak dikata...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Apa Nak Dikata... di Harakah!!

Hehehe...beberapa hari lepas aku baca entri Abang Dick berkenaan URL blog beliau yang masuk newspaper...masa baca tu terasa syok jugak la..cause ada blog sepupu masuk newspaper...

Then last night, my brother Abdul Rahman dari KL sms.."Call Man sat" ingat kan apa2 pasai Wan ka apa ka, terus dial his number...Then he said "Baca Harakah dak?"...bila pulak aku nak baca Harakah...dulu masa kerja dengan Shahidan ada jugak la dok baca, in case apa-apa isu berkaitan beliau yang nak kena counter, so aku dok kena sediakan jugak dah lama dah aku tak baca..balik rumah Abah pun dah tak dak sangat Harakah, maybe Abah pun dok baca online saja la ni...

So aku kata tak baca..then Rahman kata.."URL blog Yat (nama manja aku tu..hehe..) masuk Harakah, yang pasal Antara Dua Darjat tu..hehe...

Terkejut..terkedu...bukannya aku ni, Apa Nak Dikata, bukanlah blog oleh bloggers yang hebat..orang tak kenal pun...and then, memang agak kelihatan jelas pun dari semua posting aku bahawa aku bukan mirip PAS mahupun PR (forgive me for being straight forward okay...)...tu yang aku hairan macam mana boleh diorang nak letakkan bahan dari blog aku ni...

So hari ni aku pun meng'infaq'kan (hehe...) RM2 kepada PAS dengan membeli Harakah keluaran 15-18 Disember 2008...

Bukak lah aku kat sisipan Fikrah, muka surat 5..rupanya just satu ruangan pojok kecil bernama forum Blog...

Tengok kat situ ada jugak petikan dari Hussin Lempoyang...dan lain-lain blogger...

Ni kali kedua la bahan aku masuk Harakah...

Kali pertama dulu bukan blog...masa tu aku tak ingat, maybe around 2004 kot...satu surat rasmi berkepala surat (letter head la tuh) Pejabat aku masa tu (korang tau la kan...) yang ditandatangani oleh aku yang ditujukan kepada Pengarah Kastam Pulau Pinang dah dibocorkan oleh seorang kakitangan Kastam Penang...tapi diorang tak siarkan part tandatangan aku tu...cuma aku tau la surat tu surat aku...hehe...

Ni kali kedua melalui blog plak...

Harapan nya selepas ni boleh la aku berblog dengan aman tanpa anonymous emails (aku kan disable anonymous comments) yang menghentam aku bila aku menyentuh kesilapan dan ketidakbetulan PAS dan pimpinannya...hehe..banyak jugak woo...tapi aku buat dek je...

Selepas ni kalau diorang marah-marah lagi aku nak jawab..."I've been ENDORSED!!!!"...hehe...apa nak dikata...

Terima kasih Harakah...patutlah traffic aku bukan main lagi minggu ni...hehe...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Sekali lagi saya kongsikan di sini tulisan saudara afterdark (anda boleh baca lain-lain tulisan beliau di SINI..)


There are two Illuminati blueprint which I think should be told to the masses (obtained from local Illuminati defector). The first is regarding our own backyard, the second is more about what will happen in the future which is prophecy about the True Cross. Believe it or not, up to you.

Now, what might the Illuminati have for us in less than 10 years in the future? Local anti-illuminati watchers already been told about another blueprint to unleash riots in the Malaysian Capital, and so far I've seen steps already been taken towards this plan assisted by Illuminati Sleepers from both Opposition and UMNO side.

The truth is, Anwar will never ever be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. No way, the Illuminati will not allow it because it will defeat the RAHMAN prophecy which some believes a sub-prophecy by EDGAR CAYCE. Believe it or not if you want, Anwar Ibrahim is not here to lead the Malay, he is being used only to execute the first stage of the plan.

The Illuminati already conduct their research and is well informed that Muslim Governance by the Malay can easily be defeated if all non-Malays united together towards the next polling box.

According to the CIA's 2004 information about Malaysia, the population as at 2004 is was consisting of Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8%. In 2008 the figures already changed and by 2013 then we the Malays probably outnumbered by non-Malays by a few percents.

The 50% Malays is further division by multiple political movements. Some supports UMNO, some went to PAS, others are worshiping the Statue of Brahma Anwar Ibrahim while the rests either stand on the fence or joined non-Malays based party such as DAP and other smaller parties like in Sabah & Sarawak.
Therefore in short, if all Chinese and Indian parties leave Barisan Nasional and join forces with DAP, then the non-Muslim league armed with strong financial provision will have enough strength to wrestle the political power from the Malays. And if that really happened then DAP will no longer need PAS and Anwar Ibrahim to fish the supports from the Malays/Muslim Population.

The blueprint revealed what will be done on or before 2013. After the completion of the first stage on the 12th General Election by which Anwar and KJ being pawned by Illuminati to cause the defeat of Barisan Nasional in 5 major states, the next stage in no longer about winning the hearts of the Malays voters but is more concentrated towards winning the hearts of non-Malays voters. In the next few years before the next general election we will witness this trend growing. DAP and the rest of opposition leaders (including the idiot Anwar) will be vocal in the parliament in their attempt to be seen as the latest kung fu / tamil hero for the Chinese and Indian community.

These issues of Ketuanan Melayu, Immigrant Cina, Isu Murtad, Etc will be harped again and again and again with no sight at end. All Illuminist sleepers within UMNO and Barisan Nasional will carried out the mission in tandem with their colleagues in the Opposition.

With the growing attention and supports gained from the younger generation of Chinese and Indian, the Malays supporters from PKR will be abandoned in stages. State's Policy will be made to favor the non-Malays thereafter causing rift and dissatisfaction amongst Malays to PKR and PAS. The depletion of supports towards PKR and Anwar Ibrahim is intentional to weaken the PKR as a major voice of Opposition Front. Like I said earlier, they never intended for Anwar to be the next PM, they're just using him to gain the supports from Malays who put them on seat in Parliament today.

The final stage towards the next apartheid is the racial tension which will lead to riots. The next riots which will happen on the 13th day of that month and will mimic the complete profile of what happened on 13th May 1969. Only this time instead of a clash between a Chinese Youth and the Malays, the clash will be between the Indian and the Malays gangsters pretending to be heroes for their respective races. The riot will bloodiest in the Capital but will have shockwave effect towards the country. The police and army which are dominated by Malays will have to use unthinkable force to control the situation. Their efforts however will not be portrayed as heroics but as instead as tyranny.

The situation within UMNO is not helping either, the Prime Minister will be cornered by the Opposition, the Coalition and even by his own cabinet under the incitement of one of his minister who is a son-in-law of former Prime Minister. Therefore by the time the riots ended, all non-Malays political parties will abandoned Barisan Nasional and swear their allegiance with DAP.

By this time, Anwar Ibrahim, PAS and the rest of Malays in PKR today is no longer needed by DAP. They will be abandoned completely after the winning of the 13th general election. PAS will be accused of being extremist, dangerous and harassed under the law which actually similar to ISA whereas Anwar Ibrahim will finally be affirmed as a fifteen years homosexual sodomist (1997 - 2013). All incriminating evidence previously kept secret by his DAP lawyers will be revealed by unknown source. DAP will now have excuses not to nominate him as Prime Minister despite the fact that the Opposition winning the 13th General Election.

As predicted, with UMNO being abandoned by the Coalition and all non-Malays (and even some Malays who blame the government for being incompetent when handling the riots) voting against UMNO and the Government, more than 2/3 majority in the Parliament will be won by DAP in a landslide majority, reminiscing the glorious days when UMNO under Tun Mahathir.

If things go wrong for us, then after the 13th General Election, the Illuminati will finally control our government. Due to our own stupidity we will have the first ever non-Malay Prime Minister. Secularism and separation of faith from governance will be initiated with the 2/3 Majority to amend the article 3(1) of the Constitution regarding Islam as official religion and due to secularism everywhere, our children will be tempted to worldly demands.

Most people assume that if this country is ruled by DAP, then we will be the next Singapore (?). Some people might breathe easily imagining that because things are not so bad in Singapore. Despite being ruled by Chinese, we still hear the Singaporean Malays praising their government. Some ungrateful Malay Singaporeans who reside in Malay even openly willing to say that the Singapore Government is better than Malaysian Government (?).

If you are one of people who assume as such than you are dead wrong because the PAP situation in dealing with Singaporeans is different if DAP ever rule Malaysia. Any government in the world knows that in order to please its people means cashing out tax-payers money. If the money in the treasury is abundant then all parties can be pleased. So in the case of Singapore where the Malays are only 13.9% from the whole population, the government does have more than enough money to spend on the priority Chinese before spending the surplus on the Malays and other non-Chinese. The Malays there don't know they're only enjoying surplus. Considering the fact that Singapore is smaller, easier to monitor and more cost effective to administer, therefore even if the Singaporean Government only spent 10% on the Malays they're still happy with it.

The situation will be completely different if DAP rule Malaysia. It does not matter how much money we have in the treasury, most of it will have to be spent on the prioritize Non-Malays first, which already consisting of 49.6% of the population (maybe more) and considering that Malaysia is large with 13 states and 3 Federal Territories to foot the bills, then one can imagine that there will not be much left as surplus to be spent on Malays and on Islamic Institutions.

When the ruling government is consisting of those from the MAJORITY ETHNIC then the closest scenario is Malaysia today (not perfect for some but still home sweet home). But when the ruling government is consisting of those from the MINORITY ETHNIC, then the closest modern example should be the South Africa during the days of the apartheid or Ethiopia when ruled by minority ethnic Tigrayan. Other examples are such as when China was ruled by a minority ethnic group the Manchus or during the days when the Balkans were ruled by minority ethnic Serbians.

Actually you can research yourself on what had happened when a country is ruled by minority ethnic. I can assure you most of it does not treat well the majority ethnic.

I'm not trying to be racist or bias here. But that's what history had told us so far about the any country ruled by minority ethnic. And there's no reasonable explanation to it. It's just pure human tendency to rebel against those he perceived responsible for taking over his rights. There' no point arguing about it. That's simply how people think when they dominate the volume but not the governance.

So for the Malays who keep harping on Ketuanan Melayu, please bear in mind that the so-called Ketuanan Melayu remain exists only as long as our cabinet ministers is mostly Malays and our Prime Minister is also a Malay. Once that no longer exists, then our Ketuanan Melayu also will vanish.

And for the Non-Malay whom might have read this, just know that Malaysia being taken over by DAP is not another Singapore in the making. A difference in population will create different political outcome. Malaysia being ruled by ethnic minority will not be as peaceful as and better than when it was ruled by UMNO.

The multiracial harmony enjoyed by our elders will not exists if DAP rule this nation. It's not possible unless DAP are willing to spend the taxpayers money towards Malays as much as what UMNO had spent OR if the majority of Malays suddenly love doing business and prosper economically the like of the Chinese Business Community today.

Think about that.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Berkongsi Masalah ; Masalah Berkongsi...

Dua ungkapan yang aku buat tajuk entri ni amat ironik sekali..saling berkait rapat bila kena ketika dan masanya...hehe...

Antara soalan yang paling aku suka tanya kepada mana-mana pasangan yang mai nak mendirikan masjid kedua (poligami la tuuuu..hehe..) di Perlis ni ialah macam mana kenal dengan bakal isteri kedua ni...macam-macam jawapan yang aku dapat..ada girlfriend lama la...ada kesian la...ada nak kerja luar negara bini pertama tak nak ikut la...ada yang saja-saja pun ada...hehe...

Tapi ada satu kes ni menarik aku nak perempuannya seorang janda yang telah bercerai dengan suami beliau..dan lelaki tu definitely la ada isteri, kalau tak tak jadi poligami la kan...

Bila soalan tu aku dan isteri tanya, dia jawab mula mesra bila mula berkongsi masalah...

Anda faham tak?

Mai aku cerita...macam ni...gamaknya la kan, si lelaki ni ada masalah rumahtangga dengan isterinya, so dia 'berkongsi' dengan menceritakan kepada perempuan tadi la...dan maybe pulak si perempuan pun ada masalah dengan bekas suaminya, pun diceritakan kepada lelaki tadi....itu lah kesimpulan kisah depa tu...

Aku nak ulas sikit...

Adalah tidak elok untuk berkongsi masalah isteri atau suami anda dengan seseorang yang berlainan jantina dengan anda...Tak faham?...senangnya macam ni..kalau aku ada masalah dengan isteri aku, tak payah gatal-gatal nak cari perempuan lain untuk ceritakan maslaah tu...sama jugak kalau si isteri ada masalah dengan suami dia, jangan cari lelaki lain untuk ceritakan masalah tu...kalau perlu cari kaunselor bertauliah atau pun pasangan suami isteri yang anda berdua hormati dan sanjungi...

Pasal apa aku kata jangan?

Pasal naluri, sikap semulajadi, dan segala yang ada dalam hati manusia ni, kalau orang cerita sesuatu kekurangan pihak lain, dia akan pastikan dia lebih best dari yang diceritakan...

Contoh: (semua watak dalam kisah berikut bukan nama sebenar dan hanya rekaan yang amat-amat)...

Intan Suzana Delimawati geram dengan sikap suaminya Ahmad Komeng yang tak pernah tolong lipat kain satu hari dia ceritakan kepada rakan sepejabat dia Halim Zabidi.."Hang tau, laki aku teruk betui la...tak pernah dia tolong lipat baju kat rumah..."...Si Halim Zabidi ni tadi, walaupun seumur hidup dia kain baju tak pernah sentuh kat rumah melainkan untuk pakai, sebagai memenuhi nafsu besar dia akan kata..."Uish...aku kat rumah aku tak biaq bini aku lipat kain...semua aku buat...kalau aku tak sempat aku upah orang lipatkan kain baju...mana boleh suami buat macam tu kat bini dia..."...

Hehe...nampak tak???

Yang Ahmad Komeng pulak, bercerita dengan kawan sepejabat dia pulak Siti Muslihah perihal Intan Suzana Delimawati tadi..."Ko tahu..seumur hidup kawin dengan aku, dia tak pernah masakkan aku sup belut..aku ni suka sangat makan sup belut..terpaksa aku tunggu pergi Kota Bharu nak makan sup belut..."..hehe...maka Siti Muslihah pulak akan jawab..."Ish...aku kalau suami aku, jangan kata sup belut..dia nak makan sup ekor gajah pun aku masak kan...kena la ikut kemahuan suami kita kan..."...

Haaaaa....nampak berapa besar setan ada situ...

Yang ni lah yang aku kata tadi...sikap kontrol best dan macho (bukan semua orang la...ada jugak yang ikhlas dalam dunia ni...) akan menguasai diri bila kita merujuk dan berkongsi masalah dengan berlainan jantina dengan kita...akan mengundang masalah...sebab bila dengar orang tu lebih best dari isteri atau suami kita, maka kasih sayang kita pada isteri dan suami akan sikit goyah la...

Yang paling baik ialah berterus terang kepada pasangan kita..."Yang, mai la lipat kain baju ni sama...tolong la.."...atau..."Yang, ni I beli belut u masakkan sup malam ni ya...tolong ya..."...macam tu kan best...

Berbalik kepada ungkapan Berkongsi Masalah ; Masalah Berkongsi...rentetan dari berkongsi masalah tak kena gaya ni, mengakibatkan kepada Masalah Berkongsi...masalah kongsi apa?Kongsi kasih sayang laaa...Kan tadi story punya story, last-last sangkut la kat hati...maka kalau kawin kena la kongsi suami, kalau tak kawin pun kena kongsi jugak..hehe...tu pun satu masalah tu...

Sebelum kawin tak dak masalah nak kongsi ni..saya sanggup...saya tak kisah dia balik ke tak, yang penting kami halal dah...bila dah kawin...malam-malam tido sorang sedangkan tahu suami yang dikongsi tu tido berdua...masa tu mula la timbul rasa Masalah Berkongsi....

So...hati-hati bila nak Berkongsi Masalah...takut-takut nanti akan terpaksa menghadapi Masalah Berkongsi...hehe...apa nak dikata...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Antara Dua Darjat...

Kita dan seluruh negara berasa sedih dengan tragedi runtuhan bukit yang menimpa 14 buah banglo di Bukit Antarabangsa sebelum Raya Haji baru ni...selain empunya 14 rumah tersebut yang melibatkan 4 kematian dan beberapa kecederaan, lebih kurang 4000 orang yang lain diarahkan berpindah kerana tanah kat situ dah tak selamat...

Kita jugak bersedih dan bersimpati atas kejadian banjir yang menimpa penduduk Kelantan, Terengganu dan Pahang baru-baru ni...syukur Alhamdulillah keadaan banjir tahun ni tak teruk sangat dan tidak berlarutan lama...

Dalam kita bersedih, kita jugak mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih serta syabas kepada seluruh anggota keselamatan, sukarelawan dan para penyumbang yang membantu mangsa-mangsa banjir dan runtuhan Bukit Antarabangsa...mereka korbankan masa, tenaga dan cuti Hari Raya Haji mereka...


Yang sedihnya...pengorbanan mereka tidak mendapat reaksi yang sama dari dua kejadian tersebut...

Mangsa banjir yang rata-rata ialah orang kampung dan masyarakat pertengahan ternyata 'reti' berterima kasih dan bersyukur dengan menerima bantuan makanan dan segala bantuan yang diperlukan....tempat berteduh sekadar bangunan sekolah, dewan dan surau didiami tanpa keluh kesah dan cakap banyak...masing-masing bersyukur dengan bantuan yang diberikan....

Sebaliknya di Bukit Antarabangsa, satu laporan Polis telah dibuat oleh seorang penduduk yang rumahnya terselamat dari runtuhan bahawa terlalu ramai anggota keselamatan bertugas berada di hadapan rumah beliau menyebabkan beliau sekeluarga berasa tidak selesa....

Untuk orang yang buat laporan Polis di atas tu...takde apa yang aku nak kata..melainkan.."KENAPA LAH BUKAN NKO YANG TERKAMBUS MAMPOS DALAM TANAH TU!!!"...

Bantuan makanan pulak dengar bunyi kata-kata nak kena check tengok dulu bersesuaian atau tidak...mangsa 14 rumah yang tertimbus di beri tawaran tinggal di hotel...ko jangan cakap nak tidor kat Hotel Midah Kampung Attap atau Kowloon Jalan TAR la...depa sure mintak Mandarin Oriental ka, Nikko ka...

Apa perasaan mangsa banjir yang tadi bila membaca atau mendengar hal ini?

Tak rasa macam double standard kah?Kenapa peruntukan sebegitu hebat dikeluarkan?Adakah kerana Bukit Antarabangsa kawasan elit mewah yang didiami oleh kebanyakan yang bergelar Datuk dan Datin serta sebuah rumah berharga tak kurang dari RM1 juta???

Mangsa di Bukit Antarabangsa bukan kehilangan segalanya...duit dalam bank masih ada...mereka ni orang kaya yang setiap inci rumahnya dilindungi insurans...silap-silap setiap bijik cawan dalam rumah pun insured...jangan tak tahu..kita yang tak de duit ni ye la...harapkan insuran kereta pun kalau dah habis bayar terus pakai Third Party je...hehe...

Silap-silap masing-masing tu ada 3 atau 4 bijik buah rumah lain kat lain-lain tempat...malahan kalau setakat dia nak terus pegi beli sebuah rumah baru fully furnished keesokan hari pun dia ada duitnya laa....

Yang lebih hebatnya...petugas membantu kat situ pun dapat layanan yang 1st class...jamuan AidilAdha ditaja oleh Hotel Concorde...makanan setiap hari ada Restoran Ali Maju taja teh tarik, roti canai dan nasi kandar (restoran lain aku tak tau..aku cuma terbaca nama kedai ni je...)

Kat mangsa banjir tu ada ke petugas sukarelawan dapat layanan macam ni?

Bukan niat aku nak berdengki...aku pun turut simpati dengan kejadian dan mangsa...tapi jangan la double standard sampai macam tu...semua orang pun rakyat Malaysia...semua layak mendapat layanan dan bantuan sama rata...

Apapun takziah kepada semua mangsa di setiap bencana yang menimpa ini...semoga Allah memberi ketabahan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi ujian ini...

Kepada anggota keselamatan dan sukarelawan, teruskan usaha murni anda...kalau ada lagi laporan-laporan pelik-pelik macam tu...tinggalkan je rumah dia tak yah jaga..biar pencuri masuk baru padan muka dia...hehe..apa nak dikata...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Setahun Sudah Berlalu...

Thanks My Sister Ijah kerana ada entri pasal Arwah Mak Tok yang dah setahun meninggalkan kami sekeluarga...

Aku agak rapat jugak dengan Arwah Mak Tok aku ni (kalau sebelah selatan orang panggil nenek..tapi kat Utara panggil Mak Tok..Grandmother la tuh..)

Aku kan cucu sulung, so memang dari kecik aku rapat dengan Mak Tok..sejak Mak Tok duduk di Butterworth, kemudian pindah ke KL..aku selalu jugak spend time dengan Mak Tok...sepanjang hidup Arwah ada la jugak beberapa kali aku sempat jaga Arwah kalau tak sihat atau sakit apa-apa...even masa aku kahwin pun Mak Tok turut sama pi hantar aku ke Melaka...

Ni masa Mak Tok dah makin tak sihat

Tahun lepas dalam November, Mak Tok tenat dan masuk Hospital Sungai aku dan keluarga bergegas pi tengok..then kami balik, dua hari lepas tu Mak Tok dijemput pulang ke RahmatulLah..waktu tu Maghrib, dan kami terus ke Kampung Melayu Subang.

Last moments with Mak Tok...

Arwah ketika hidupnya masa sakit dan ada kat rumah mak abah aku kat Butterworth sempat dan pernah pesan kat aku, andai dia meninggal dunia, maka dia nak aku imamkan solat jenazah dia...

Atas ingatan tersebut, aku bincang dengan keluarga aku semua dan Alhamdulillah, hatta Pak Chaq (anak sulung Mak Tok) pun setuju supaya aku imamkan jenazah Arwah...

Aku, Ayie (my brother - cucu kedua Mak Tok) dan Fahidi (cucu jugak) menurunkan jenazah ke liang lahad...

Hanya itu jasa terakhir aku kat Mak Tok...

Sekarang dah setahun Mak Tok tiada...Wan (my grandfather) pulak tengah sakit...tak sedar sekarang dan keadaan dia masih macam tu jugak...

Semasa aku imamkan jenazah Mak Tok setahun yang lepas...menitik jugak air mata aku..deep inside aku tau Mak Tok sayangkan aku, walaupun kadang-kadang dia ada jugak marah aku, tapi kerana dia sayangkan aku...dan aku sayangkan Mak Tok...

Semoga Allah meletakkan roh Mak Tok di kalangan para solihin dan terus berada dalam limpahan RahmatNya...Al-Fatihah buat Mak Tok...

Lagu Alleycats feat. Jay Jay kat bawah ni, Hanya Kita Yang Tahu..tak de la kena mengena dengan Mak Tok, cuma dia ada kata..."setahun sudah berlalu pemergianmu,
tinggal hanya suara batinnya..."...hehe...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Antara AidilAdha dan Merry Christmas...

Last weekend aku dan family spend kat KL...rasanya aku dah bagitau sebab my grandfather agal tidak sihat, so kami guna peluang hujung minggu untuk ziarah...peluang sampingan jugak kami gunakan untuk berjalan-jalan sikit la...dah datang jauh-jauh, then tak tau samada ada masa nak pi pulak masa cuti ni, dengan course isteri aku yang panjang tu...

So on Saturday last week kami ke The Curve..aku suka pergi situ sebab cozy, tak terlalu luas sampai senak perut nak jalan dan tak terlalu sesak...kebetulan pulak cuti sekolah dan dah nak masuk Holiday Seasons, so banyak la sale...

Tengah jalan-jalan kat The Curve tu, datang satu kumpulan Christmas Carol ni...diorang nyanyi lagu-lagu Krismas...sambil ada watak-watak dari Folks Tale about Krismas dan Santa Claus...siap bagi candies lagi..Zain pun dapat jugak la kiranya..hehe...

Ramai orang yang terhenti dan menunggu persembahan diorang ni...diorang bukannya mintak donation ke apa ke..tak salah aku budak-budak sekolah je tu, maybe sponsored by nearby Church la kot...

Then my wife kata kat aku..."They really make Christmas so fun and happy..why don't we Muslims do the same to our big days?"

Secara kebetulannya pulak AidilAdha akan disambut Isnin 8 Disember ni...17 hari lebih awal dari aku terfikir di mana promosi dan kempen Muslim dalam menyambut AidilAdha?

Sejak dulu dan sejak kecil, kita umat Islam di Malaysia tak pernah berusaha mengenengahkan sambutan AidilAdha secara besar-besaran..cuti umum pun cuma sehari, kecuali Perlis yang cuti dua hari...

Tetapi, kalau kita teliti dalam Islam, AidilAdha sebenarnya ialah sambutan yang sepatutnya lebih meriah di dalam Islam...aku bagi beberapa aspek:

1. Tiada ibadah korban pada AidilFitri, hanya pada AidilAdha, dan korban pula selama 4 hari, 10,11,12 dan 13 Dzulhijjah....

2. Takbir Raya; AidilFitri hanya sehingga solat raya sahaja, lepas Solat dah habis...sedangkan AidilAdha sehingga Asar hari 13 Dzulhijjah....

3. AidilAdha bersempena Ibadah Haji, sehari selepas umat Islam yang menjadi tetamu Allah di Kota Suci Mekkah berwukuf di Arafah, maka kita sambut AidilAdha...

ini hanya sebahagian perbezaan antara kedua Hari Raya ini...

Walaubagaimanapun, kita di Malaysia menjadikan AidilFitri sebagai induk segala perayaan...sedangkan ianya ialah meraikan kejayaan kita berpuasa sepanjang Ramadhan...dan penumpuan seharusnya di letakkan pada penghayatan Ramadhan itu sendiri...

Untuk mengubah persepsi ni bukan senang...bayangkan umat Islam nak buat Ibadah Korban selama 4 hari, sedangkan cuti hanya sehari....

Berbalik kepada betapa pihak Kristian berusaha menjadikan Krismas itu sebagai sesuatu yang indah bagi kanak-kanak dan orang ramai, aku hanya mampu menjawab kepada isteri aku macam ni..."Apa yang kita umat Islam nak buat...adakah kita nak berjalan beramai-ramai berzanji memuji Allah dan RasulNya sebagai tanda menyambut hari kebesaran Islam?...Akan ada pulak pihak-pihak yang kata itu bid'aah yang tidak dilakukan oleh Rasulullah dan Para Sahabat..."

Ini ialah satu punca kenapa kanak-kanak dan remaja agak jauh...kerana mereka tak nampak sesuatu yang indah (secara luaran) pada hari kebesaran Islam...golongan yang lebih berusia mungkin mampu menyelami lebih jauh, tetapi yang muda-muda ni dia perlukan sedikit boost up untuk memahamkan mereka....

Mungkin sampai masanya pihak yang berkenaan boleh memikirkan apa yang dapat menarik golongan muda untuk kembali menghargai hari-hari kebesaran Islam...mungkin apa yang kita dapat buat itu tidak dilakukan oleh Rasulullah dan sahabat Baginda, tetapi adakah ianya menyalahi Quran dan Sunnah serta melanggar batasan Syarak?

Rasulullah SAW sendiri pernah bersabda yang bermaksud

"Kamu lebih mengetahui urusan dunia kamu"

Maka itu bermaksud kita yang selayaknya mentadbir urusan kita hari ini, selagi ianya berlandaskan Quran dan Sunnah...

Jangan satu hari nanti anak-anak kita memilih untuk merayakan Krismas berbanding Hari Raya kerana diorang kata Krismas lebih seronok, ada Santa Claus...ada candies...ada hadiah...Raya ada apa?Salam-salam saja...hehe...anak-anak aku pun sekarang dok tanya boleh tak we celebrate Halloween...apa aku nak jawab tu???...Apa nak dikata....

Selamat Menyambut AidilAdha kepada semua Muslimin dan Muslimat, semoga Allah menjadikan pengorbanan kita dalam apa jua segi sekalipun sebagai pengorbanan yang di bawah keredhaanNya...


Semalam baca paper Metro, ada berita pasal seorang wanita kehilangan janin kandungannya yang dah cecah 9 bulan...

ALOR STAR: Aneh dan misteri. Itu ungkapan paling sesuai bagi menggambarkan kejadian yang menimpa seorang wanita apabila kandungannya didakwa hilang biarpun sudah berusia sembilan bulan.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 4 petang Isnin lalu, Nurul Shuhada Mat Isa, 20, yang melakukan imbasan terakhir di sebuah pusat perubatan swasta di sini, terkejut apabila doktor mengesahkan bayinya tiada dalam kandungannya.

Lebih mengejutkan, semua buku pemeriksaan dan laporan kesihatannya sepanjang sembilan bulan lalu ketika mengandungkan bayi berkenaan juga hilang sebaik doktor mengesahkan kejadian itu.

Nurul Shuhada dari Kampung Masjid Lama, Hutan Kampung di sini, berkata dia sukar menerima kenyataan apabila bayi sulung yang dikandungnya hilang sekelip mata.

Katanya, penantian selama dua tahun bersama suami, Mohd Fazli Samsudin, 27, untuk menimang cahaya mata pada awal bulan ini lebur apabila doktor sebuah pusat perubatan swasta mengesahkan tiada bayi dalam rahimnya selepas beberapa kali membuat imbasan.

Difahamkan, Nurul Shuhada disahkan mengandung pada Mac lalu selepas menjalani pemeriksaan di Hospital Angkatan Tentera di Kuala Lumpur dan dijangka melahirkan anak pada 29 November lalu.

“Saya terkejut apabila dimaklumkan doktor tiada bayi dalam rahim saya selepas membuat imbasan. Sukar untuk menerima kenyataan bayi yang saya kandung selama ini hilang begitu saja.

“Kerana tidak berpuas hati, saya dibawa ke pusat perubatan swasta di Jitra untuk membuat pemeriksaan sama, namun keputusan tetap sama. Malah, doktor mendakwa rahim saya normal seperti wanita tidak mengandung,” katanya ketika ditemui Harian Metro di sini, semalam.

Dia yang tidak dapat menerima kenyataan itu terkulai layu sebelum pengsan kira-kira 15 minit dan sebaik sedar hanya mampu meratapi kehilangan bayinya.

Nurul Shuhada berkata, dia yang merancang melahirkan anak sulung di rumah ibunya turut menjalani pemeriksaan di Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Muda kerana berdekatan kampung suaminya selepas kembali dari Kuala Lumpur pada 21 November lalu sebelum diarah melaporkan diri di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB) di sini, semalam.

Katanya, sebelum kejadian, dia tidak berasa perubahan ketara cuma lenguh pada anggota badan selain perut memulas dan mendakwa pernah mengalami beberapa kejadian pelik.

“Saya pernah bermimpi ada objek seperti kapas putih di tepi badan seolah-olah sedang menyusu dan ia sentiasa mengusap badan saya.

“Kejadian ini berlaku selama tiga malam berturut-turut dan selepas itu, saya demam panas selama sebulan dan terpaksa berulang alik ke klinik untuk mendapatkan rawatan,” katanya.

Katanya, banyak kejadian berlaku kepadanya termasuk seorang bomoh wanita pernah memintanya menjaga bayi dalam kandungan dengan elok kerana ada orang berminat mendapatkannya.

“Ketika di Kuala Lumpur, saya beberapa kali membuat imbasan dan doktor mengesahkan saya mengandung dan bakal menimang bayi perempuan,” katanya.

Katanya, walaupun sukar menerima kenyataan itu dia tetap reda ketentuan Tuhan yang mungkin ingin mengujinya.

Sementara itu, Mohd Fazli yang bertugas sebagai anggota tentera bergegas pulang dari Kuala Lumpur, kelmarin selepas dimaklumkan isterinya dan masih terkejut dengan berita itu.

Katanya, dia yang tidak sabar menanti kehadiran cahaya mata sulung terpaksa memendam sedih selepas sering kali melihat pergerakan bayi dalam kandungan isterinya.

“Setiap hari saya memegang perut isteri untuk merasai pergerakan bayi dan ada kalanya saya meletakkan telinga pada perutnya.

“Namun, saya pasrah menerima kejadian ini dan segala persiapan yang dilakukan sejak tiga bulan lalu kini tinggal kenangan,” katanya yang bertugas di Kem Wardieburn, Jalan Genting Klang, Setapak.

Dia berharap isterinya bersabar dan berterima kasih kepada keluarga yang banyak memberi sokongan moral kepada mereka.

Memeranjatkan jugak la apa yang aku baca ni...sebelum ni pernah jugak aku dengar cerita-cerita tentang kehilangan janin ni, tapi ni kali pertama rasanya aku baca in newspaper..

Selalunya bila berlaku perkara macam ni, unsusr-unsur makhluk halus akan diceritakan...akan dikatakan bahawa anak dalam kandungan itu ialah anak bunian, atau kaum makhluk halus tu berkenan lalu diambil jadi anak mereka...

Sejauh mana kesahihan benda tu aku tak pasti la...

Aku terlebih dahulu mintak maaf sekiranya pembaca entri aku ni ada kaitan dengan wanita tersebut atau suaminya atau ahli keluarga mereka...

Aku dan isteri pernah terbaca satu kisah di luar negara, tak salah aku Amerika Syarikat kot...lebih kurang la kes dengan apa yang dalam paper tu...cuma penjelasan dari pakar agak lain sikit...iaitu berkait dengan penyakit mental, iaitu pesakit akan tanam dalam minda dia bahawa dia pregnant, so setiap hari hormon dia akan bertambah dan memang nampak bahawa dia the end of sembilan bulan tak de apa yang berlaku...lebih kurang gitu la kisah dia...

So dalam hal yang kat Kedah ni aku tak pasti la...walaupun hilang segala rekod pemeriksaan, for sure kat Klinik Kesihatan tempat dia dok selalu pergi check tu akan ada file simpanan...maybe dia boleh keluarkan supaya menjadi bukti kepada masyarakat bahawa benda ni betul-betul terjadi...kalau tak, agak susah la jugak orang nak percaya...kan...apa nak dikata...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hari-Hari Berlalu...

Fuhh...seminggu tak update blog...

Bukannya apa...takde bahan sangat...lagi pun selama seminggu tu aku agak busy sikit, tolong mengasuh anak kecik...wife aku kena pergi Kursus Asas Asuhan Kanak-kanak...sebab nak dapatkan sijil nak boleh daftarkan Tadika dia tuh...

Then come Jumaat, my father bagitau keadaan Wan (my grandfather) agak tenat di Hospital Sungai Buloh...dah masuk macam-macam mesin pernafasan sebelum tu dan Dr nak cabut dah..takde kami ambik keputusan drive ke sana...

On Saturday Wan dibawak balik ke rumah..but keadaan still macam tu jugak...Dr kata his brain dah tak berfungsi untuk menyedarkan dia dari kesan bius (the had to amputate his leg due to gangrene)..

Macam mana pun kami terpaksa balik jugak la Ahad, coz my wife akan kena attend Kursus tu pagi ni...

Since takdak apa sangat nak update, maka aku nak rumuskan saja beberapa peristiwa yang berlaku dalam sikit hari ni...

1. Anwar kencing lagi...

Anwar berkata, beliau sedar dengan tanda tanya selepas sasaran 16 September yang dicanangkan untuk 'menawan' Putrajaya dan mengambil alih kerajaan Persekutuan tidak menjadi kenyataan.

"Semua bertanya malah rakan kita juga minta penjelasan mengenainya.

"Jawapan saya mengenai ke Putrajaya (ambil alih kerajaan) ialah saya tak boleh nak menyebut lebih daripada itu (dedahkan)," katanya semasa menyampaikan pidato umum sempena Kongres Nasional Tahunan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di sini, semalam.

Baginya, buat masa ini sasaran terbaru untuk meluaskan pengaruh dan sokongan rakyat adalah di Sarawak dengan mengatur beberapa langkah drastik untuk mencapainya.

"Sementara itu kita gegarkan Sarawak...Sarawak barisan hadapan kita sekarang," katanya.

Anwar berkata bermula bulan hadapan setiap ahli Parlimen PKR akan bergilir-gilir ke Sarawak bagi menemui rakyat disana yang inginkan perubahan arus politik semasa.

"Tanpa terkecuali, semuanya mesti ikut jadual dan disiplin parti," katanya.

2. Pilihanraya kecik la kat Terengganu...

Panas pulak la Terengganu yang tengah banjir sekarang ni...hehe...Dengarnya pihak sana dah mula sebut-sebut calon...antara PAS dan PKR...takpa...jangan nanti Nenek Maimon pulak yang bertanding dan menang...hehe...

3. Zaid Ibrahim lagi...

Lembaga Disiplin UMNO wajar menghukum bekas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim yang hadir pada perasmian Kongres Nasional Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di Shah Alam, Selangor semalam.

Naib Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegaskan, perbuatan tersebut jelas melanggar etika parti dan bertentangan dengan semangat yang diamalkan oleh Barisan Nasional (BN).

“Kita bukan tidak berfikiran terbuka, tetapi tindak tanduk beliau tidak ikut prosedur disiplin parti, ini satu perbuatan yang tidak boleh dimaafkan kerana melanggar disiplin parti,”
Hai la Zaid ni...senang ko isi je borang PKR Zaid...korang pun ambik la dia...tak hingin dah orang macam tu kat sini...ambik la..ambikk...

4. Arsenal punya hal...

Lawan team lekeh..kalah...

Lawan Man U..Chelsea..menang plak...hahaha...

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Apa nak dikata....hehe...