Aku nak cerita tentang tempat-tempat menarik di dunia...aku dan isteri sebenarnya suka melancong...cuma dengan masa, anak-anak bersekolah..agak terhad la sikit...
So aku nak start cari beberapa tempat menarik melalui websites dan paparkan kat sini..kalau ada rezeki boleh aku pergi nanti, InsyaAllah...
Kali ni aku nak ceritakan tentang Salzburg, Austria...antara tempat menarik kat sini ialah Schloss Klessheim, atau dalam Englishnya Klessheim Palace (Kalau dalam bahasa diorang dia tulis macam ni Kleßheim)...

Initially, there was only a small court of a regional nobles’ house, the Kleshof. Prince Archbishop Johann Ernst Graf Thun purchased this property in 1690 and ten years later, the builder Fischer von Erlach started to build the pleasure castle “Favorita” in 1700.
When Prince Archbishop Thun died in 1709, the building was almost finished. However, Salzburg’s next Prince Archbishop Anton Franz Harrach stopped the construction to concentrate on the re-modelling of Mirabell Castle.
The Baroque park was altered into an “English Garden” (whatever that means, check it out yourself if in doubt) under the reign of Salzburg’s last Prince Archbishop Hieronymus Colloredo. After Salzburg was secularised, Schloss Kleßheim became property of Archduke Ludwig who got the builder Ferstel to erect the so-called “Winterschloss” or “winter castle”.
However, the best thing about Schloss Kleßheim Palace is the fact that it is owned by the Salzburg Federal Province – which rents it to the state-owned Casino company “Casinos Austria”. If you are older than 18, we recommend a visit in the evenings, to enjoy one of the nicest Casino venues in central Europe – and see some decent Baroque architecture at the same time!
In some of the side-buildings, Salzburg Province runs a tourism school. Schloss Kleßheim Palace was also used for a number of movies, some featuring proper stars such as Jack Lemmon, Toni Curtis and Peter Falk.
- Sumber
Schloss Klessheim ni terletak 4km ke sebelah Barat dari bandar Salzburg. Semasa Perang Dingin, Kerajaan Austria menggunakan Palace ini untuk melayan tetamu antarabangsa dan mengadakan seminar atau perbincangan, tetapi hari ini ia telah digunakan sebagai kasino....rujuk sini dan sini...
Memandangkan ada beberapa sites tersebut dalam Bahasa German (iaitu bahasa yang dituturkan oleh 85% penduduk Austria, kalau anda tak paham, maka gunakan Applied Translator ini ya...maka anda akan kelihatan amat fasih dalam mana-mana Bahasa di dunia ni..hehe..kadang-kadang aku pun buat macam ni jugak..kat sini, sini dan sini...pakai online translator je...hehe...
Ini ialah patung Helang yang diperbuat dari batu kapur yang menyambut setiap pengunjung di pintu masuk Schloss Klessheim...

Teringin nak pergi kan...tengok la nanti kalau ada duit boleh la pergi..kalau takde duit pakai search tengok dalam Internet saja la..dalam internet semuanya ada..maklumat hanya di hujung jari..hehe..Dieser Platz ist sehr schön. Wunsch I konnte dort sein...apa nak dikata...